Digital heating mantle with stirrer Mixers and Heaters Drifton A/S
Home / Shop / LABORATORY EQUIPMENT / Stands and Racks Stands and Racks Stands and racks for laboratory equipment Centrifuge Tubes Box GLASSCO 165.305.05-S Material: Polypropylene Max. capacity: 16 tubes of 50 ml EUR 10.00 (excl. VAT) Read more Micro Centrifuge Tubes (MCT) Box GLASSCO 134.303.01 Material: Polycarbonate

Accumax A Series Pipettes, Fixed Volume Pipettes and Dispensers Drifton A/S
Drifton A/S - Peristaltic Pumps and Laboratory Equipment 209 followers 3mo Report this post On Driftons webshop you can save 20% on all Accumax Pipettes for the rest of September 2023..

Digital Laboratory Syringe Pump dLSP500 SYRINGE PUMPS Drifton A/S
BOMBAS Y MATERIALES DISPENSADORES. Drifton A/S ofrece una amplia gama de herramientas profesionales con enfoque en bombas y dispositivos dispensadores para su uso en laboratorios (investigación, universidad, bioquímica clínica, biotecnología, control de alimentos, así como en centros de transfusión y clínicas), I + D "clusters" y unidades de fabricación en la industria Europea.

Varmeplader og omrørere Drifton A/S
Drifton A/S; Avedøreholmen 84; DK-2650 Hvidovre Telephone: +45 3679 0000; E-mail: [email protected]; VAT number: DK 53284310; CUSTOMER SERVICE. Nina Hauerberg Tel. +45 3634 2709 [email protected]. QUESTIONS ABOUT: Peristaltic Pumps; Syringe Pumps; Gear Pumps; Pump Tubing; Fittings and Connectors.

Analog Hotplate with Stirrer Mixers and Heaters Drifton A/S
Drifton A/S Avedøreholmen 84 DK-2650 Hvidovre Telephone: +45 3679 0000 E-mail: [email protected] VAT number: DK 53284310 CUSTOMER SERVICE. Nina Hauerberg Tel. +45 3634 2709 [email protected] QUESTIONS ABOUT: Peristaltic Pumps Syringe Pumps Gear Pumps Tubing Fittings and connectors Laboratory Equipment

Vakuumpumper Drifton A/S
Drifton A/S is a specialized provider of pumps, dosing equipment, and accessories to laboratories and industries on a global scale. Bisco Vægte A/S offers a diverse range of weighing solutions that find applications across various industries specifically within Denmark.

Mezclador de vórtice universal Mezcladores Vortex Drifton A/S
Drifton A/S offers a wide range of professional equipment with specific focus on pumps, laboratory equipment and dispensing devices for use in laboratory, R&D and manufacturing units in Danish.

Buchner Funnel Lab Plasticware Drifton A/S
Drifton A/S - Peristaltic Pumps and Laboratory Equipment posted images on LinkedIn

Slangeklemmer Tilbehør til pumpeslanger Drifton A/S
Drifton is a collection of new single-family homes for sale at the Northlake masterplan in Sacramento, CA's North Natomas neighborhood. Nearby are several shopping, dining and recreational spots that highlight the rich local area, as well as plentiful trails to walk or bike. Several museums and the Sacramento Zoo offer daytime adventures.

Vortex Mixer Vortex Mixers Drifton A/S
Drifton A/S @DriftonEu 47 subscribers 11 videos Drifton offers wide range of laboratory equipment for professional companies with particular focus on pumps, dispensing products and dosing.

Moisture Analyzer MA X2.ASerien LABORATORY BALANCES Drifton A/S
Home / Shop / PUMP TUBING / Guide for choosing tubing size Guide for choosing tubing size What to consider when selecting a peristaltic tubing? Deliver aggressive liquid or organic solvent: Use the chemical compatibility table from the link below to choose the right material.

Heating Mantle for round bottom flasks Mixers and Heaters Drifton A/S
You can order all products from LONGER by contacting DRIFTON or ordering on our European webhop: https://lnkd.in/eDmaPVy2

SafeVac vakuum aspirationssystem Vakuumpumper Drifton A/S
E-mail us: [email protected] | Call us: +45 3679 0000. If you do not wish to order via the webshop, please send your order directly to [email protected]. Pumps and dispensing equipment for use in laboratory, R&D and manufacturing units. Visit our webshop with competitive prices!

UV Hærdelampe Drifton A/S
Hvis du ikke har mulighed for at bestille via webshoppen, send venligst din ordre direkte til [email protected]. Kontakt. Drifton A/S; Avedøreholmen 84; DK-2650 Hvidovre Telefonnr.: +45 3679 0000; E-mail: [email protected]; CVR-nummer: DK 53284310; KUNDESERVICE. Nina Hauerberg Tlf. +45 3634 2709 [email protected].

The dPoflex PFU High Precision Peristaltic Pump can be used for many applications, where precision and repeatability is crucial. One of these applications is glue dispensing, which Drifton offer.

Pipetas y dispensadores Drifton A/S
Drifton 2004-DG dispenser. DRIFTON. DRIFTON 2004-DG. Pneumatic dispenser for direct dispensing from cartridges with silicone, PU or elastomer products. Dispensing time: .01-31 seconds. Frequency: >300 times/minute. EUR 814.70.